About the Project

The “Institutionalization of Guidelines on Watershed Integrated Area Land Use Planning Towards Resiliency” or the WILUP is a DOST PCAARRD-funded project implemented by the College of Forestry and Natural Resources of the University of the Philippines Los Baños since October 16, 2021. The project aims to enhance the robust implementation of the Ridge to Reef (R2R) or watershed ecosystem management (WEM) approach to integrated area land use planning (WILUP).


Vertical integration of development plans needs to be promoted

Local land use plans are inadequately connected with higher level physical framework plans (i.e., provincial to the national level)

Robust implementation of R2R/WEM approach needs to be promoted

  • More specific and intuitive guidelines on how to implement R2R/WEM approach to CLUP are needed
  • Appreciation on the importance of R2R/WEM approach to CLUP and development planning needs to be elevated
  • Capability of LGUs to properly implement R2R/WEM approach to CLUP needs to be developed

Horizontal integration of LGU plans, and NGA plans need to be strengthened

Several LGUs sharing jurisdiction over the same watershed are usually not synched


WILUP is an advocacy project that facilitates the robust implementation of the R2R/WEM approach to CLUP as prescribed in the 2013 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Guidebook to promote the resiliency and sustainability of watersheds, ecosystems (i.e., forests, agricultural systems, and urban, freshwater and marine ecosystems) and people, and development.

Specifically, it aims to:

1 Advance the advocacy agenda by building partnership with DENR, DILG, DHSUD, DA, DAR, DPWH, CCC, NDRRMC, NEDA, and other concerned agencies;

2 Facilitate the adoption of a policy instrument (e.g., EO, JAO, etc.) that will initiate the implementation of the WEM framework;

3 To promote enhanced understanding and appreciation of the R2R/WEM approach among the key stakeholders (e.g., LGUs, NGAs, teachers, researchers, resource planners, etc.); and

4 Demonstrate/pilot test WILUP guidelines for the robust implementation of R2R/WEM approach for updating CLUP in selected LGUs to showcase its doability and advantages over existing approaches.

Video Courtesy by : WILUP