Initial Stakeholders Identification
Initial Stakeholders Identification

To formally introduce the WILUP project to the LGUs and stakeholders within the Baroro watershed, the project team held a Baroro Kick-off meeting. In this meeting, the project staff and the participants discussed the potential stakeholders that should be involved in the project and their roles.

Ms. Maria Cristina Antonio from the San Juan Resort and Restaurant and Hotel Association initiated the discussion by addressing the issue of counterproductive projects from the DPWH, given that some of their projects did not align with existing initiatives in Baroro. Dr. Rex Victor Cruz responded that DPWH is a crucial partner in the project. Ensuring national government agencies collaborate to create CLUP requirements, using the watershed to address such issues. The discussion also mentioned that six Indigenous People communities in San Gabriel could also benefit from the project.

Several participants also expressed their desire to be part of the project.
Ms. Agnes De Leon of DILG Region I mentioned that her office is open for endorsement and partnership with their PO La Union. Ms. Jennalyn Aguinaldo-Rambaud expressed their participation through coordination by providing DENR Region I a copy of the Cluster 1 principal River Basin (Amburayan, Baroro and Bauang Principal Watershed) Master Plan. FEED Philippines, through the leadership of Anne-Marie Mananquil, will be supporting the project in coordination with other advocates and agencies.

The kick-off meeting was concluded with the closing remarks from Dr. Herminigildo Velasco, the Municipal Mayor of San Gabriel, La Union. He emphasized the importance of connecting linkages among stakeholders and actors to achieve a preferred outcome for a resilient future.