Key Informant Interview
Key Informant Interview

Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) were undertaken as a follow-up to the Stakeholders’ Consultation Workshops held in August and September 2022. The team conducted KIIs in the La Union municipalities of San Gabriel, San Juan, and Bacnotan at the same time. Since these municipalities fall under the scope of the Baroro watershed administration, documentation from these LGUs is required for the development of the watershed’s IWMP. In addition, municipal offices from Santol, Bagulin, and San Fernando City participated in online KIIs. The KII covered verification of the answers supplied by the BLGUs and other key participants from the Stakeholders’ Consultation and Workshop.

Furthermore, the team raised follow-up questions that were not addressed or emphasized during the stakeholder consultation. The team specifically verified the defined vision and mission from the consultation activity. Key municipal offices modified some responses, but in most instances, they all concurred on the output of their representatives. The team acquired as much data from the KIIs as possible in order to fulfill the reports for the IWMP and CLUP crafts.