1st Philippine Urban Forum

Serving as a training partner of the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, the WILUP team, led by Dr. Rex Victor O. Cruz and Dr. Vida Q. Carandang, carried out a training with the title, “R2R 101: Ridge-to-Reef/Watershed Ecosystem Management (R2R/WEM) Approach to Land Use Planning” during the 1st Philippine Urban Forum on October 5, 2023 held at the Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City. The said event was participated by 40 participants from various institutions, including regional government agencies, NGAs, academe, local and provincial government agencies, and private business organizations.

Dr. Rex Victor O. Cruz presenting the R2R/WEM Approach to Land Use Planning Basics

Dr. Cruz, UPLB Professor Emeritus, NAST Academician, and Watershed Expert, provided two lectures about the subject matter. In his first lecture, he discussed the concepts, principles, and importance of the R2R/WEM approach to land use and development planning. After this, he then presented processes and tools necessary in applying the concept.

During a brief open forum, the primary discussion revolved around the challenges and issues on the implementation of the R2R/WEM. Among the concerns raised, there was a particular emphasis on the need to bridge the spatial gap between land use and land administration management. According to Dr. Cruz, this issue stems from the fragmented nature of planning, resulting in incongruent plans. He also emphasized the significance of rectifying this problem through the application of the R2R/WEM approach, particularly in the context of synchronizing plans among various agencies.

Ms. Carino-Valdez discussing the “Resilience: Survive and Thrive” board game.

Furthermore, the University of the Philippines-Diliman Marine Science Institute, under the guidance of Dr. Laura David, delegated Ms. Bayosa Aya Carino-Valdez, one of their esteemed researchers, to represent their institution as a co-training provider alongside the WILUP team. Ms. Carino-Valdez took charge of leading a board game session entitled “Resilience: Survive and Thrive.” This interactive board game is designed to explore the intricate dynamics of balanced development and natural resilience through the lens of climate change. The WILUP-UPLB training program came to a close with this engaging board game activity, leaving participants with a holistic understanding of the subject matter.