Dr. Rex Victor Cruz headed the team of the advocacy project “Institutionalization of Guidelines on Watershed Integrated Area Land Use Planning Towards Resiliency” (WILUP) on a courtesy visit to one of their pilot sites. On August 8, 2022, the team paid a courtesy call and presented the project objectives to the municipality of San Gabriel in La Union.
The WILUP team, along with the “The Integration of Traditional and Modern Bioproduction Systems for a Sustainable and Resilient Future Under Climate and Ecosystem Changes” (ITMoB) project team, personally met with honorable Mayor Lany Baobaoen Carbonell and honorable Vice Mayor Ramolito Guinomma to discuss their respective project objectives and proposals. The Sangguniang Bayan of San Gabriel was also present during the presentations and actively engaged in the Q&A.
Dr. Rex Victor Cruz, WILUP watershed expert, delivered a brief yet impactful lecture on the Ridge-to-Reef approach, which is one of the advocacy project’s primary objectives. Dr. Cruz emphasized the need for the LGU planning unit to use the R2R model in formulating development plans such as the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). The project also aims to unify the guidelines for drafting development plans, as well as drafting policies across various private and government agencies. According to Dr. Cruz, interagency collaboration is the only way to accomplish this harmonization.
Furthermore, it was discussed that updating the Provincial Development Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) will assist local governments in creating their local development plans. With that, local and provincial planning units should coordinate, particularly in updating and improving their existing development plans. Dr. Cruz stated that the project team would recommend to the Provincial Government to use the R2R approach in crafting the PDPFP. Lastly, WILUP detailed its collaboration with the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD). The project guarantees that all initiatives are coordinated with DHSUD in order to maintain track of the harmonization between current DHSUD guidelines and the WILUP guidelines.
During the Q&A, one of the concerns raised centered on land classification. A member of the Sangguniang Bayan enquired the project team about land zoning in San Gabriel, particularly in the forested areas. The member said that residents might dispute why forested areas are being categorized as protected zones as certain forested areas are being utilized for production, primarily for local subsistence.
Dr. Cruz emphasized the relevance of land zoning and the R2R approach in defining the specific land classification and land uses of forested areas to local communities. The team also pointed out that relocating the residents to another site is the ideal action when a protected area is declared. However, it is unavoidable that the residents would resist these changes. Thus, the alternative is to teach the community enhanced farming practices to minimize forest degradation.
The courtesy visit and project presentation concluded with the Sangguniang Bayan members’ enthusiasm and approval. They expressed their interest and willingness to collaborate with the WILUP and ITMoB teams in accomplishing their targets for the municipality of San Gabriel as one of the two projects’ sites.