WILUP joins CFNR ITMoB Kick-off Meeting for the Baroro Watershed Project
12 April 2023
WILUP joins CFNR ITMoB Kick-off Meeting for the Baroro Watershed Project

With the aim of integrating multiple projects in similar sites, the “Institutionalization of Guidelines on Watershed Integrated Area Land Use Planning Towards Resiliency” or WILUP project team participated in the kick-off meeting of project “Integration of traditional and modern bioproduction systems for a sustainable and resilient future under climate and ecosystem changes” or ITMoB for the Baroro watershed sites in La Union province.

This virtual event was held December 1, 2021 and led by the project leaders and UPLB faculty members, Dr. Juan Pulhin of ITMoB, and Dr. Rex Cruz and Dr. Vida Carandang of WILUP.

Local government of La Union partners were in the meeting, most notably, Hon. Eduardo Ortega Vice Governor and Chair of the Provincial Board, San Gabriel town Mayor Dr. Herminigildo M. Velasco, former San Fernando, La Union Mayor Mary Jane Ortega, PCAARRD Deputy Executive Director Feliciano Calora, and FEED Philippines Director for Partnerships Anne-Marie Bakker.

The kick-off meeting started with Dr. Pulhin’s discussion of the Japanese and Indonesian government funded ITMoB project which aims to assess the impacts of the said bioproduction systems on ecosystem services like food production and flood regulation.

Afterwards, Dr. Cruz presented the WILUP project and highlighted the need for watershed-based comprehensive land use plans, local climate change action plans, local disaster risk reduction and management plans to mitigate disasters and risks posed by natural hazards.

The partners recognize the value of the presentations because the sustainability and resiliency of natural resources, especially those that involve water, are directly correlated to the 17 sustainable goals and the progress of local communities.

Dr. Carandang later noted that both projects will have La Union as their common sites as it houses the Baroro watershed in its five municipalities—San Gabriel, Bagulin, San Juan, San Fernando, Bacnotan, and Santol. The ITMoB and WILUP projects that are funded by DOST-PCAARRD are expected to collaborate with each other until the end of WILUP in 2023.

The partners expressed that with the set of audience in the meeting, a circle of champions or players, actors can hopefully be formed and each one needs to come together towards the success of the projects.