Stakeholders' Consultation and Workshop
Stakeholders’ Consultation and Workshop

In an effort to better understand the utilization of land and other resources in the Baroro Watershed, the WILUP team recently organized stakeholders’ consultations and workshops. These events aimed to assess the consequences and influence of various stakeholders in the area.

The stakeholders’ consultation and workshop for San Gabriel, La Union took place on August 10, 2022, at the San Gabriel LGU. Representatives from key departments including the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist, Municipal Planning and Development Office, Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office, Municipal Tourism Office, and Municipal Treasury Office were in attendance. Additionally, representatives from the following barangays participated: Amontoc, Apayao, Balbalayang, Bayabas, Bucao, Bumbuneg, Daking, Lacong, Lipay Este and Norte, Lonoy, Poblacion, and Polipol.

For the LGUs within the Baroro Watershed, separate stakeholders’ consultations were conducted over three days. On September 5, 2022, representatives from key municipal offices in Bacnotan attended, including those from MENRO, MAO, MPDO, MEO, Social, and Treasury offices. The city of San Fernando was represented by offices from CENRO and the Office of the City Assessor. On September 6, 2022, the team invited Santol and San Juan LGUs to participate. The workshop was attended by 31 barangay representatives from San Juan, as well as personnel from the municipal key offices of MAO, MENRO, MDRRM, and MEO. The participants from Santol LGU included members from MENRO and MAO, along with representatives from two barangays. The final workshop was held in Bagulin on September 7, 2022, with representatives from the municipal offices of MAO, MEO, MDRRM, and MPDO, as well as three barangay captains.

Dr. Lorena Sabino, WILUP project staff, facilitated the stakeholders’ workshop. The session covered various activities, including group reporting and discussion. Moreover, participants were divided into five groups; environmental, social/institutional, economic, institutional, and disaster risk reduction management/infrastructures. Each team was headed by municipal key office representatives and co-facilitated by a WILUP staff.